Distraction from Kingdom Work
Distraction from kingdom work comes when we take our eyes off of God and allow the enemy to cause doubt in our lives. To further the Kingdom of God, we give what little we have to the one who created it and He blesses it and multiplies it.
What is distraction?
To be distracted is to allow your mind and attention to be pulled away from what is most important. To be distracted spiritually as a follower of Christ is to allow other things to move in between you and God. It is to allow God and your walk with Him to be crowded out.
Distraction from kingdom work is the enemy winning
Nehemiah wasn’t afraid to call out his enemies. They were trying to distract him from building the wall for Jerusalem. God called Nehemiah to do this work. The enemies, the doubt and distraction didn’t come while Nehemiah was praying or planning. The enemies came once Nehemiah was DOING the work. When you are pursuing kingdom work, you are a threat to the enemy. The enemy will seek to cause you to stop doing the work.
In the chapter 2, Nehemiah’s enemies Sanballat and Tobiah used scorn and intimidation to prevent the work from continuing. In chapter 4 Nehemiah is actually building the wall. Sanballat and Tobiah used criticism and discouragement. These men were trying to use distraction from Kingdom work to prevent Nehemiah from continuing. But Nehemiah trusted God. He knew God’s word and he used that to fight against the enemy. Nehemiah also knew that God called him to do this work and so he would continue to build this wall. One of my favorite things about Nehemiah was that he was a man of prayer. Since this was a habit throughout Nehemiah’s life, he especially used it during times of enemy distraction.
Where faith believes God and His love and promises, discouragement looks for and believes the worst – and tends to almost forget about who God is and what He has promised to do.
Excuses are Distractions from kingdom work
Do we often neglect that we have an enemy seeking to destroy us and distract us from kingdom work?
I think we can easily blame it on other things which is honestly the enemy winning.
We are called to give what little we have and to give it back to God and use it to further his kingdom.
But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Matthew 6:33
Distraction from kingdom work comes when we take our eyes off of God allow the enemy to cause doubt in our lives.
Do you use your home to encourage, disciple and evangelize? Or do you tell yourself “this isn’t the season” “my house is too small, too far, too messy” “my life is too busy to host for anything or anyone “.
This is just one example of something we have been given that we can use to further God’s kingdom.
We also have time, food, money, gifts and talents… are we using these things for His glory? Or allowing the enemy to distract us into believing lies?
Maybe God has called you to write a book but you say “I don’t have time to write”.
Maybe God has called you to start a business but you feel like you don’t have the right tools, resources or latest technology to pursue this calling. If God has called you to something, He will equip you and magnify the time and energy you put into it. If God has called you to do something, just simply say “Here I am God, use me!”
How do I know if something is a distraction from kingdom work?
You need to ask yourself, if the way you are spending your time is making you more like christ? It’s important to evaluate your life and your time. Ask yourself “is this thing I do, a tool to bring about God’s glory?”
Think about how much time you waste scrolling social media. You can even look on your phone to see how much time is spent there. Are you using that time to share encouragement or to build relationships? Or is that time just spent scrolling and honestly not bringing you much joy?
Many times we may think we don’t have time to write the book or volunteer or reach out to our neighbors but then we find out how much time we are really wasting.
Remember Your Purpose
If you don’t remember your purpose it can lead to distraction and feelings of stress and overwhelm. As a homeschool mom you may look at others and see how they are doing homeschool. You compare yourself and begin to feel overwhelmed. This is not keeping your eye on God. It’s looking at someone else or something else and forgetting to fix your eyes on God.
“Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.” “Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?” Matthew 14:28-31
When you begin to doubt, you are not just doubting yourself, you are doubting God. You are doubting what God has called you to do!
The moment Peter sees the wind, his eyes are no longer on Jesus. And guess what happens? Peter is afraid. Wherever your eyes are, there your feelings follow.
If your eyes focus on your child’s sin, you may have feelings of discouragement, fear, hopelessness or sadness.
If your eyes focus on your home, you may become so hyper focused on it. It becomes an idol and when it gets messy, you start to lose your control. You become short-tempered and upset with your family. Your feelings flow from what your eyes see.
When you focus on your job or a hobby, the moment that thing doesn’t fill you, you start to feel like a failure.
If you focus on your spouse, the love you two have and putting that person above God, when that spouse disappoints you, you start to feel unworthy.
When you focus on your child and they are your world, when they start to not return that same love, you begin to feel hurt and sadness.
Fix your eyes on Jesus
Once Peter starts sinking, He cries out to Jesus. He takes his eyes off of the wind and looks toward Jesus. He doesn’t try to figure it out on his own. Peter calls out and asks Jesus for help. Peter gives what little he has and invites Jesus in. And look what happens!
Immediately, Jesus reaches out His hand to Peter. God was there with Peter all along. But Peter didnt realize it, because he took his eyes off of Jesus. But Jesus is so loving and kind that he immediately rescues Peter.
Jesus asks Peter, why did you doubt? We know that Jesus already knows the answer, but he wants Peter to see the answer.
Peter had doubt because the wind distracts him. He saw the wind and he was afraid. His feelings followed his eyes.
The moment Peter called out to Jesus, he lets go of the distraction and lets God help him.
Distraction from Kingdom Work
When you take your eyes off of Jesus, you see things through your own eyes and not through the lense of Christ.
At times, we may begin to see or feel ungodly character in us or have feelings of fear, overwhelm, despair or hopelessness. This is not of God. We need to take these thoughts and feelings captive.
Ask yourself, what is driving me right now? Look to Jesus to be your comfort and to fill you with truth. We can see the world through His eyes and we can teach our children that the only fear we should have, is the fear of the Lord. If you liked this post be sure to checkout my other faith based writings here.
Sincerely, Katy